JKMEGA appreciates the Historical reforms done during the tenure of Mr Shalindera Kumar( IAS) as Principal Secretary In PWD (R&B) & Mechanical Engineering; welcome Newly posted secretary Mr Bhupinder Kumar ( IAS)


Srinagar: 6th of JANUARY 2024

The Executive Council of J&K Mechanical Engineering Graduates Association (JKMEGA) held a meeting today at the office of JKMEGA, MED Complex, Shalteng Srinagar. The meeting was called to discuss the issues prevailing in Fraternity
Due to recent reshuffle in higher administration & Transfer of Mr Shalindera Kumar (IAS) principal secretary PWD ( R&B) ; the fraternity
expressed that remarkable and historical decisions for public welfare in General and Engineering Community in particular taken by Adminstration during the Golden Tenure of Mr Shalindera Kumar (IAS) and his team are worth to praise and memorable for generations to come .

They Expressed gratitude towards the Administration & Mr Shalindera Kumar (IAS) for taking the decision to do away with Adhocism and Incharge Promotions in the Engineering cadre Especially in Mechanical wing .

The availability of online services including HRM , finance and billing has revolutionised the Department and brought highest level of Transparency in system.

The recent historical reorganization/ restructuring of PWD along with all welfare steps was really need of hour and made possible under the dynamic leadership of principal secretary and his team.

The members prayed for all the best to Mr Shalindera Kumar for new Assignment and also welcomed the newly posted secretary PWD(R&B) Mr Bhupinder Kumar (IAS) and expressed the hope that Engineering community will continue to flourish under new leadership for better public service and Deliverence.

Finally, the members expressed their hope that the Administration will also address the minor concerns raised by the Mechanical Engineering fraternity regarding the recent reorganization . They emphasized the importance of addressing these concerns to ensure that the Mechanical Engineering fraternity in Jammu & Kashmir can continue to thrive and develop for larger public welfare and better deliverance.

JKMEGA commends the administration for its commitment to promote excellence in the engineering sector and looks forward to continued collaboration in the future.

The association urges all stakeholders to work together towards building a better and more sustainable future for the engineering sector in Jammu & Kashmir.


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