Sheikh Baqir Memorial Institute Khanagund Tral Honors Top Achievers in 8th Class


Tral (Aripal): In a spectacular felicitation event held on Monday, Sheikh Baqir Memorial Institute Khanagund Tral celebrated the outstanding achievements of the top three position holders in the 8th class. The event was attended by esteemed guests, including ZEO Lurgam Riyaz Ahmad as the Chief Guest, and ZMO Aripal Dr Sajad and DO Aripal as the Guests of Honor.

The speakers at the event praised the school’s commendable efforts in providing quality education and congratulated the toppers for bringing glory to the institution. Principal Waseem Yousuf expressed his gratitude to all the guests and participants for contributing to the success of the program.

He highlighted the school’s long-standing commitment to maintaining excellence in education and producing a significant number of teachers, doctors, engineers, and other professionals to serve the community.

Among the remarkable achievers, Filza Jan secured the coveted first position in the 8th class, showcasing her dedication and hard work. Zahid Gulzar claimed the second position with his remarkable performance, while Qurba Mushtaq secured the fourth position, demonstrating their exceptional academic prowess.

Notably, Sheikh Baqir Memorial Institute Khanagund Tral continues to strive for excellence and remains committed to providing top-notch education to its students.


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