Journey Of Drugs Dependency “


“Journey Of Drugs Dependency “

Razia Feroz Ganie

“Recovery is not a destination, but a lifelong journey towards healing and freedom”
When we here the name of any drug it can create negative images in our minds in our minds which can be Really tough for Those who are suffering from it.

when we encounter someone struggling With drug addiction ,Its important to treat them with equal importance and respect, rather than diminishing their become addicted to drugs and They have been taking Are they any problem? Did they accidentally get involved?Do they want to quit and free themselves?why they are reason behind it?
During my Internship, I often encountered reason that seemed absurd.I was an interesting learning experience. Some get influenced by wrong peer groups some for fun ,some have trouble at School, and other may get grounded by their parents. There are major reason I found during my internship and while taking drugs they become addict of it when they take a drug at first time they feel good because they do like the way and might be things they can control how much and how often they use it but With the passage of time drugs change how their brain’s works they may lose control and can dance their when they one in drug they may feel less pleasure from friends,family because it flood your brain With a chemical called Dopimine
This seen feels me blue two years ago I lost my friend.

He was the only son in his family and he had a drug addiction but unfortunately, he passed away due to an overdose.its Really tough to go through something like that
I understand that people may struggle to quit addiction, despite their efforts to quit addiction despite their efforts. It can be a challenging journey, but its important to remember that seeking support and professional help can greatly increase the chance of success.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to Counselor, therapist, or support groups who specialize in addiction recovery. They can provide guidance, strategies and a supportive environment to help You overcome this challenge You are not alone in.this and there resources available yo assist you on your journey to recovery
Parents play very much important in this if their children intentionally or un intentionally fell in this Don’t judgement them open communication encourage them open and honest conversation With Your child about their struggles,concern and goals create a safe space for them to share their thoughts and emotions without judgement no one can understand them more than You no one can support them more than you Love them why they are doing This guide them
It is important to recognize that overcoming addiction is a challenging journey, but with the right support and resources it is possible.

Parents play crucial role in helping their children through This process by providing love,understanding and guidance.

Only parents can create a supportive environment for their children’s recovery. Always remember every situation is unique different from another one .so its important to tailor your approch to your child’s specific needs with love and strong support system,
You can overcome addiction and lead a fulfilling life
Remember, the greatest high comes from the natural high of life
Stay drug Free
Stay True.
Good luck.

Name:Razia feroz ganie
Belongs from Psychology department.
R/o. Devsar Kulgam


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