Inspiring manifesto of JKPPM


Unification Manifesto
Jammu and Kashmir Peoples Peace Movement (JKPPM) presents its first introductory edition of unification manifesto included within ideology of Grand- Unification.

Drafting an election manifesto centered on the “Aspiring Modern India (Adhunik Viksit Bharat) Unification Bill”.

Acknowledging the necessity of addressing the disparities and challenges inherent in the current reservation system, the “Aspiring Modern India (Adhunik Viksit Bharat) Unification Bill” emerges as a pivotal initiative. It is not aimed at undermining the significance of reservation systems for underprivileged segments of society, but rather seeks to rectify the divisive and discriminatory tendencies that have emerged over time and injustices faced by the people compelled them to live with negotiations which invites hatred. This bill advocates transformation of the existing reservation framework into packages to ensure inclusivity and equity for all citizens, irrespective of caste, creed, gender, religion, or color.
Now time has come to drop the system in a free fall and surely it will gain its efficiency with the support of multitasking institutions and packages on priority- packages of any type to uplift the downtrodden. The reservation system has problematized the societal sustenance and created a negative scenario in which the society is further segregated into divisions because talent remains unexplored at every level. Moreover, religious reservations are manipulated to create entitlement for majority and perception of second-class citizenship for minority. The specific skill or profession got affected two ways – one the people with passion got demotivated to carry it on as a profession and two the real skilled people left it away because with time stigmas associated with it by calling SC ST and the growth of small scale industries retarded.

Challenges with the Current System:

  1. The existing reservation system lacks the inclusivity promised by the Indian Constitution.
  2. Despite decades of implementation, the current system has failed to uplift all sections of society from poverty.
  3. Political exploitation of reservation policies for electoral gains has undermined their effectiveness.
  4. Over the years, reservations have disproportionately benefited already privileged families.
  5. Talent development has been stifled due to the focus on caste-based reservations.
  6. The neglect of skill development has hampered overall societal progress.
  7. Caste-based reservations perpetuate discriminatory attitudes and divisions within society.
  8. The categorization of scheduled tribes has inadvertently reinforced social stigma.
  9. Women’s reservation policies have inadvertently perpetuated gender stereotypes.
  10. Backward class reservations have contributed to the marginalization of certain communities.
  11. Religious reservations have further polarized communities.
  12. Rural and far-flung areas continue to lag behind in development.
  13. Many common citizens still struggle below the poverty line.
  14. Small-scale industries and skilled laborers face societal stigma and neglect.
  15. Urban poverty remains unaddressed, affecting vulnerable families regardless of caste.
  16. Financially disadvantaged individuals from upper caste backgrounds are overlooked by current policies.


  1. Reservations in the form of packages should be based on socio-economic indicators rather than caste or religion.
  2. Elevating individuals out of poverty requires a focus on financial and educational empowerment.
  3. Scheduled tribes, backward classes, and lower castes must receive targeted support for economic and educational advancement.
  4. Upholding the principles of the Indian Constitution, no individual should face discrimination based on identity markers.
  5. Prioritizing youth skill development is essential for national progress.
  6. Enhancing the dignity and status of marginalized communities is imperative.
  7. Creating secure and inclusive work environments for women is a priority, women need to be encouraged and their self-esteem needs to be boosted.
  8. Addressing urban poverty comprehensively, regardless of caste or background, is essential for holistic development.

The “Aspiring Modern India (Adhunik Viksit Bharat) Unification Bill” embodies a vision of an India where every citizen enjoys equal opportunities and dignity, irrespective of their social identity. It is a commitment to build up – more inclusive, equitable, and prosperous nation for all.


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